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Installation of Handle.Net
There is currently two versions of the Handle.Net plugin. Select the appropriate version, to see the configuration that applies to that version:
Version 1.x
Pure can act as back-end for a Handle Server.
Follow these guidelines to make that happen.
- Copy the Pure integration code to the Handle server installation (Contact us for download information)
- Change the configuration of the Handle server
In the server configuration block of the config.dct file, add the following:
"storage_type" = "custom" "storage_class" = "dk.atira.pure.integration.handle.PureHandleStorage" "allow_list_hdls" = "no" "storage_config" = { "pure_assigned_prefix" = "0.NA/12345" } |
Of course, the URL and prefix must be changed to the correct values.
- Restart the Handle server
- Enable HANDLE.NET integration in Pure
It's found on the administrator tab, and must be enabled. The assigned prefix must be entered here too.
- Check that it works
This can be done by running the hdl-admin tool (distributed with the Handle server) and lookup a publication from Pure by entering "<prefix>/<uuid-of-pure-publication>" and press “Lookup”.
Version 2.x
To install module version 2.c
- Copy the Pure integration code to the Handle server installation (Contact us for download information)
Change the configuration of the Handle server
In the server configuration block of the config.dct file, add the following:
"storage_type" = "custom" "storage_class" = "dk.atira.pure.integration.handle.PureHandleStorage" "allow_list_hdls" = "no" "storage_config" = { "pure_handles" = ( "<prefix>;<pure ws api url>" ) }
Of course, the URL and prefix must be changed to the correct values. If the server should handle more than one Pure installation, add more handles in the pure_handles part
- Restart the Handle server
- Enable HANDLE.NET integration in Pure
It's found on the administrator tab, and must be enabled. The assigned prefix must be entered here too.
- Check that it works
When the server is running, it can be tested by using the web page, running at <bind ip>:8000 (default settings)
Version 3.x
To install module version 3.c
- Copy the Pure integration code to the Handle server installation:
- If any, remove existing versions of '' from your handle installation lib directory.
- Download
- Copy '' to the Handle installation lib directory
Change the configuration of the Handle server
Restart the Handle server
- Enable HANDLE.NET integration in Pure
It's found on the administrator tab, and must be enabled. The assigned prefix must be entered here too.
- Check that it works
When the server is running, it can be tested by using the web page, running at <bind ip>:8000 (default settings)
Content Support
The integration currently supports:
- Research Output
- Student Thesis
Updated at July 27, 2024