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Testing ORCID - ORCID SandboxTesting ORCID - ORCID Sandbox
You can export and import data to and from ORCID. Here are the options for testing ORCID import and export.
There are a specific setup for testing the export and settings you need to be aware of when testing the import.
EXPORT data to ORCID sandbox:
Testing export should be done in a Pure test instance and should be set up to connect to ORCID sandbox, not ORCID live.
- This can be done under Administrator > Integrations > Export to ORCID.
- When the job runs you might see several job errors and warnings about invalid_token and 401 Unauthorized errors if your data in the Pure test instance is based on a copy of Pure production database. This is because the authorisation is connected to ORCID production and you are connected to ORCID Sandbox.
- Create a ORCID profile in ORCID Sandbox to test the connection with.
Note: In all Pure instances that are not production, you should only connect export to the ORCID Sandbox. If connected to ORCID Live and not ORCID sandbox, your test/dev/staging Pure might export test data to the ORCID Live environment.
IMPORT from ORCID sandbox:
It is not possible to use the ORCID Sandbox to test import.
- To test import the Pure test instance needs to connect to ORCID production settings. In general we do not recommend that any non-production instances are connected to ORCID production.
- If there is a need for testing this, then switch off all Export to ORCID settings in Pure test instance. And be aware that the import is very dependent on the data in the instance, so the result might not match the same result in production.
Updated at July 27, 2024