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Using Web Service to See ChangesUsing Web Service to See Changes
You want to view changes in Pure via the GET /changes/tokenOrDate on the web service and specifically see were there have be updates, deletions, etc. or even see this information by type of change or newest changes. How might this be possible?
- Currently you can only obtain changes such as 'created' through the changeType field (as pictured below. However, the API does not support filtering on these change types (E.g. filter by UPDATE, DELETE, etc.).
- The first call to the changes endpoint is ideally changes since the start date; any subsequent calls to the changes service should use the resumption token to avoid getting duplicate information back. The resumption token is used to return all the changes after the last call. E.g.
<result xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="http://localhost:8080/ws/api/518/xsd/schema1.xsd"> <count>12</count> <navigationLinks> <navigationLink ref="next" href="http://localhost:8080/ws/api/518/changes/eyJzZXF1ZW5jZU51bWJlciI6Mzc5MjU0NX0="/> </navigationLinks> <resumptionToken>eyJzZXF1ZW5jZU51bWJlciI6Mzc5MjU0NX0=</resumptionToken> <- use this token in next call <moreChanges>false</moreChanges> <items> </items> </result>
- Token would be used in the below parameter field:
Note, with the release of 5.21 a new event type when using GET /changes/tokenOrDate will be available called metricValueChange- please see 5.21 Release Notes- New event type in change endpoint for more information.
More information
KB-317: Web Services queries
More details on Changes Endpoint can be found here
Updated at July 27, 2024