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Fields that trigger revalidationFields that trigger revalidation
Changes to specific fields in content that supports revalidation will trigger the workflow to change. This is the revalidation process.
Note: this will only occur if revalidation is enabled. If not, the fields cannot be modified.
- To check and define which fields can trigger revalidation, go to Administrator > Content type > Workflow step configuration.
- Click on “Change workflow step".
- When revalidation is enabled you can, for each content type - and subtypes if available - define which fields will trigger revalidation:

- Press Save after the configuration is done.
If revalidation was previously enabled and records are in revalidation, unchecking one or more fields will not change their workflow state. To update workflow, filter records in revalidation and update their workflow state either manually or via bulk manage.
Currently, fields that are available for revalidation trigger are:
- Activities (5.30.0)
- Datasets (5.30.0)
- Person expertise (5.30.0)
- Persons (5.29.0)
- Projects (5.30.0)
- Research outputs (5.29.0)
Note: this is also documented in the Field documentation in Pure. Go to Administrator > Field and role documentation > Field documentation. Download the file by clicking on ‘Get field documentation’.
A ZIP-file containing all content types in XLS format will be downloaded.
In this example from “researchoutputs.xls”, you can see that where the column ‘Revalidation supported’ shows ‘Yes’, it means that changes to this field will trigger revalidation. Where the column ‘Revalidation enabled’ shows ‘Yes’, it confirms that revalidation is enabled for the content type.

This file is useful if you are running a Pure version below 5.29 / 5.30.
Note: the values in the cells will mirror the settings configured in “Workflow step configuration”.
Updated at September 23, 2024