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How to Create a New Organisation TypeHow to Create a New Organisation Type
I would like to create a new Organisation Type.
There are two stages to creating a new Organisation Type:
- Create a new classification in the Organisation classification scheme
- Add a relationship between your new classification (organisation type) and the Organisation classification
Step 1: Create new classification
Go to Master data > Classification schemes > Organisation types
A pop-up window will appear. Scroll to the bottom and select “Add classification”.

A second pop-up window will appear. Give your new organisation type a name.
- As soon as you have entered a name, a URI will automatically be generated
- You will need to add the text ‘organisation/’ between ‘organisationtypes/’ and your new type name, so it should look like this: /dk/atira/pure/organisation/organisationtypes/organisation/new_type

Click ‘create’ and then ‘save’.
Step 2: Add relationship
Stay in Master data > Classification schemes > Organisation types
In the pop-up window, at the top of the list of Classifications you will see 'Organisation' (parent) with a number of org types nested under it (children).
Click on the 'Add relation' button.

In the Classification dropdown, scroll to select the new organisation type you created in step 1.

Click ‘create’ and then ‘save’.
Your new organisation type will now appear in the Type dropdown when creating a new organisation or amending an existing organisation.

Updated at July 27, 2024