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Unable to save/run the Management of Keywords Reflecting Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) JobUnable to save/run the Management of Keywords Reflecting Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Job
500 Internal server error occurred when saving the (External) Management of Keywords Reflecting Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) job.
The error occurs when your Pure doesn't have the correct SDG keyword groups set up. When you run this job, please be sure to set up the SDG keyword group for each of these content types:
- Person (internal)
- Organisational Unit (internal)
- Project
- Research output
When you set them up, the logical names must be named sustainabledevelopmentgoals (exactly this, no spaces or anything else).
The screenshot below shows what the keyword group for a Project would look like. The mandatory parts are:
- Classification scheme: /dk/atira/pure/sustainabledevelopmentgoals
- Logical name: sustainabledevelopmentgoals
- Content type: Research output / Person / Organisation / Project
Note: Do NOT create the SDG keyword group for content other than the above-listed four types.

Updated at July 27, 2024