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REF2021 Open Access logicREF2021 Open Access logic
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The following describes the logic implemented to determine the REF2021 Open Access Status Flag for Research Outputs.
The logic for determining the REF2021 Open Access Status Flag has been updated to reflect the confirmed final REF OA policy, with the first 2 years of the policy monitoring against Published date, and the remaining years monitoring against Acceptance date.
In Pure we calculate the Suggested open access compliance status based on the following rules. The suggestion can be overwritten in the dropdown REF Open Access Compliance Status. All Open Access compliance is calculated on the Research Output and copied as read-only on the related REF2
Term | Shown at location | Logic |
Eligible version | Document version = Author final version (postprint) OR Proof OR Publisher version | |
Earliest deposit date | REF2 editor window > Metadata > Open access compliance status |
Derived field, from either document OR link, earliest of:
Earliest access date | REF2 editor window > Metadata > Open access compliance status |
Derived field, from document OR link OR DOI, earliest of:
Date output first became available in the public domain | REF2 editor window > Metadata > Open access compliance status |
Earliest of (via document or link):
Changes that might effect access date
If you make changes to the above fields, clicking on 'refreshing will update the access date on the electronic versions based on the following rules:
If public access to the file is closed :
- The date is set to null, i.e. is not set
If public access to the files is open or embargoed:
- The access date will be the embargo end date if the file is under embargo, otherwise
- the access will be the creation date of the electronic version
When do open access rules apply?
The REF OA status flag only applies to the following outputs, and therefore only appears for (both criteria must be met):
Research outputs with the following types:
- Contribution to journal
- Contribution to specialist publication
Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding > Conference contribution (Note: Compliance is monitored for all Conference contributions, regardless of whether there is an ISSN, because at the time of acceptance, it may not be known whether there is an ISSN. This rule will be changed in 5.17.1. Afterwards we are only looking at compliance on contributions to books that also has an ISSN Number.
- Needs a full acceptance date, that is after 1st of April 2016
REF OA Compliance Statuses
There are five separate REF OA Compliance Statuses, defined below:
REF OA Status | Color | Description |
Indeterminate | White |
No deposit or access yet, but still within eligibility window (i.e. within 3 months of acceptance/publication date (depending on policy phase) and/or within 1 month of deposit date / embargo end date) AND REF exception is ‘Not set’
No deposit or access yet, but still within eligibility window (i.e. within 3 months of acceptance/publication date (depending on policy phase) OR No access yet made, but still within 1 month of Earliest deposit date / Embargo end date AND REF exception is ‘Not set’ |
Compliant | Green |
OA status OK (as per REF OA policy) OR REF exception has been input (i.e. any value other than ‘Not set’ or ‘No exception’)
Earliest deposit date of eligible version is within 3 months of Acceptance/Publication date (depending on policy phase) AND Earliest access date to eligible version is within 1 month of Deposit date OR within 1 month of Embargo end date OR REF exception is NOT EQUAL TO ‘Not set’ or ‘No exception’ |
NOT compliant - Confirm exception applicability |
Red |
OA status not ok (as per REF OA policy) AND REF exception is ‘Not set’
Earliest deposit date of eligible version is NOT within 3 months of Acceptance/Publication date (depending on policy phase) OR Earliest access date to eligible version is NOT within 1 month of Deposit date OR NOT within 1 month of Embargo end date AND REF exception is EQUAL TO ‘Not set’ |
NOT compliant - confirmed | Grey |
OA status not OK (as per REF OA policy) AND REF exception is ‘No exception’
Earliest deposit date of eligible version is NOT within 3 months of Acceptance/Publication date (depending on policy phase) OR Earliest access date to eligible version is NOT within 1 month of Deposit date OR NOT within 1 month of Embargo end date AND REF exception is EQUAL TO ‘No exception’ |
No full publication date input | Yellow |
Outputs in ‘Publication date’ phase of policy where OA status cannot be determined as no full Publication date (Publication status = ePub ahead of print/Published) has been input
Acceptance date is between 1 April 2016 and 31 March 2018 (inclusive) AND ePub ahead of print is populated, but incomplete OR ePub ahead of print is not populated, but Published is populated but incomplete OR Neither ePub ahead of print nor Published is populated |
These REF OA Statuses are determined by the OA status calculated on the Research output in Pure (including the extra conditions for REF - see underneath), plus the REF exception status:
Main Value | Sub-value |
Not set | |
No exception | |
Deposit exception | Individual was unable to secure the use of a repository at the point of acceptance |
Individual experienced a delay in securing the final peer-reviewed text | |
Individual was not employed by a UK HEI at the time of submission for publication | |
In would be unlawful to deposit, or request deposit of, the output | |
Deposit of the output would present a security risk | |
The output was published as "gold" open access | |
Deposited within 3 months of publication | |
Access exception | Output depends on the reproduction of 3rd party content for which open access rights could not be granted |
Publication concerned requires an embargo period that exceeds the stated maxima, & was the most appropriate publication for the output | |
Publication concerned actively disallows open-access deposit, & was the most appropriate publication for the output | |
Technical exception | At the point of acceptance, the individual was at a different UK HEI which failed to comply with the criteria |
The repository experienced a short-term technical failure that prevented compliance with the criteria | |
An external service provider failure prevented compliance | |
Output is a conference proceeding, but not within definition | |
Other |
REF2021 OA Calculation: Extra Conditions Relating to Embargo Period
In calculating the Open Access compliance status, the embargo period is also taken into consideration, for that we check the UoA of the related REF1/REF2
This requirement is:
- If your publication is in Panel A or B then the embargo period must be 12 months or less for the research output to be considered Compliant.
- If your publication is in Panel C or D then the embargo period must be 24 months or less.
Note: 24 months is the default maximum embargo period in Pure, so if the embargo period on the Research output record is longer than 24 months, it is already considered Not Compliant before this extra filtering is applied.
According to the GoS 250 Interdisciplinary research outputs returned in a UOA in Main Panel A or B that span boundaries with a UOA in Main Panel C or D may respect the longer of the two embargo periods. Therefore if a Research Output is related to a UoA in main panel A or B and at the same time related to a REF1 in mail panel C and D, the output will be compliant if the embargo period is less than 24 months.
Notice if the REF1/REF2 change UoA the compliance status of the Research output might change.
Note: 24 months is the default maximum embargo period in Pure, so if the embargo period on the Research output record is longer than 24 months, it is already considered Not Compliant before this extra filtering is applied.
Calculating OA status
You can follow this flowchart to see how the OA status is calculated (this is a visual representation of the written rules above).

Location the information in Pure
The status is calculated in the Research output editor window > Metadata > Assessment section. When this record is saved, the REF OA Status is determined/updated.
It is then shown (read-only) in the REF2 editor window > Metadata > Open access compliance status. The status is ‘dynamic’ and updates automatically if changes are made in the Research output editor window.
Who can see the section in the editor
On the Administration tab → System settings → REF2021 → REF2021 OA compliance visible to roles you can indicate which roles you have access to see the open access section in the Research Output editor
The following roles can be added (insert as a comma separated list)
- administrator
- claim-administrator
- publication-administrator
- publication-deduplicator
- ref2020-administrator
- publication-editor
- localReporter
- publication-reporter
- publication-submitter
- publication-validator
- ref2020-ref2-editor
- ref2020-ref2-tracker
- ref2020-ref2-administrator (supereditor of REF2)
- ref2020-unitofassessment-supereditor
Who can overwrite the OA Compliance Status
The following roles has access to change the Open Access Compliance Status:
- Administrator
- REF Administrator
- Administrator of Research Output
We have interpreted 1 month = 31 days(In consultation with Research England, we have interpreted 1 month = 31 days)
Updated at December 18, 2024