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Rebuild Reporting Tables Cron JobRebuild Reporting Tables Cron Job
A cron job log named 'reportRebuildTablesCronJob' is found in Administrator > Jobs > Job log.

This job is used by the report module to build tables where Pure needs the data to be materialised and updated.
- Currently Pure uses this job to materialise the organisation hierarchy to enhance the performance when doing roll-up/aggregation.
- It also makes background tables, which has copies of some of the data in Pure stored in a different way, to ensure performance in the report module.
- The job is, by default, set to run once a day (run daily) and must be kept this way for the report module to function properly.
- Note, that from Pure 5.25.0 the default schedule is to run once weekly.
- The job can only be configured by the vendor.
Please Note
A bug was identified where an organisation merge could not complete because of a referential integrity error from the report_organisation_hierarchy table. This happens because the organisation that was to be removed had underlying organisations.
Workaround: The merge error happens after the underlying organisations have been moved to the target organisation, so simply run the 'Rebuild Reporting Tables' job and retry. The 'Rebuild Reporting Tables' job will stall and eventually fail if other operations on organisations are running at the same time. Try again if that happens.
Updated at July 27, 2024