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Who did what in Pure?Who did what in Pure?
We sometimes get questions around what a specific person or a group of users has been doing in Pure. This is something that is really difficult to report on.
In general terms, you can only report on what a specific user has created or who was the last user to modify a piece of content.
The attached report workspace is playing with "last modified by".
For each user in your Pure, you can see how many pieces of content, they were the last user to modify. This will give you a little insight into what that user is doing in Pure
Hint: There might be many cases where you are not interested in all users in Pure, but only a sub-set, like content editors/administrators or users with the submitter role. In this case, you can include a filter in column A on "role" and select the roles you would like to investigate further

Updated at November 01, 2024